Fourth Quarter 2016 - [PDF Document] (2024)

We begin on a dark and stormy night for this firstissue of Tales from the Hose Cart Barn. The boiler ofthe barn is lit and we see the men huddled around theboiler for warmth. The gleaming wheels of the Ram-sey and Button hose carts are polished and oiledwaiting for the Shouts of FIRE! FIRE!

Hello SPAAMFAA Members, my name is ElliotPaisner and I would like to give you a big welcome tomy new column, Tales from the Hose Cart Barn. I ama 15 year old Junior SPAAMFAA Member. This PastNovember I became an Eagle Scout, a goal I haveworked over 4 years to achieve. I am also a Fire Buffand collector of fire memorabilia. My Dad and I owna 1964 Sanford B&H Industrial Fire Engine that wasused by the Chrysler New Process Gear Division FireBrigade. It is a work in progress and has gone verywell so far. We are in the process of getting herdriving after over 20 years of sitting in hibernation.We are currently removing graffiti and other junk thathas accumulated over the years. We are always look-ing for tips, help, and equipment if anyone has any-thing to offer to us.

Many a person has asked me how I got involvedwith SPAAMFAA. The true answer dates back many

years ago with a visit to the FASNY Museum ofFirefighting in New York. That sparked my interestin antique fire apparatus and all types of fire apparatus.About 4 Years ago, I walked into the AmericanLaFrance Fire Museum and Education center in NorthCharleston, SC. Little did I know I would walk out achanged young man. That is the day I met, formerSouth Eastern Trustee Ray Bennett. Ray was very kindand helpful to me. After talking with him, I knew I hadto become a member. That year, for Christmas, I wasgiven a membership and the joy of being a member ofSPAAMFAA. Since then, SPAAMFAA has been oneof the coolest organizations I have belonged to. I am looking for stories and articles from youngermembers to share with the group. Starting next issue,if all goes well, I will being doing a question andanswer about me and any questions you have aboutYounger Generation membership. You can reach meat C:470-272-3957 H:770–717-5366 [emailprotected] or writing a letter to 5523 Wyl-stream Way, Norcross Georgia, 30093. I will acceptany and all questions you may have. I look forward tohearing from you and hope to meet a lot of you inAlabama in FEBRUARY!!!!!!…..Elliot

Fourth Quarter 2016

SILVER TRUMPETPublished Quarterly by the Society for the Preservationand Appreciation of Antique Motor Fire Apparatus ofAmerica.Send change of address to:

Membership Secretary:Candy Bennett

8035 Bird Pond Road Adams Run, SC 29426

Editor: Bill Blunden PO Box 296 Carthage, NY [emailprotected]

Associate Editors:Tim Elder, Ken Buohl, Wayne Middleton

Well, things are winding down from another busy year. Forus here in Northern NY the muster season has ended and the onlyevents left are the annual Christmas parades, and then the long waituntil spring arrives. This issue will complete my first full year asEditor of the ST and I have to admit that it has been a lot of fun.I have truly appreciated all the positive comments everyone hassent me and I will continue to work to make this a publicationworth your time.

One new item you may have noticed on the front page is a newcolumn that is written by one of our younger members, ElliotPaisner. Elliot is a 15 year old who truly has a passion for fireapparatus and for SPAAMFAA. He has accomplished a lot at hisyoung age and is eager to help the organization grow. I askedElliot if he would be interested in writing a regular column thatwould be of interest to members of all ages and he gladly accepted.My hope is that he can reach out to younger members and attractnew members to the hobby. He and his Dad are restoring anindustrial fire vehicle and he will share his adventures with thisproject. Elliot is not alone in his passion for the hobby. In lastquarters issue, the article on the Aurora Fire Museum was writtenby a 14 year old member of the Chippewa Valley Chapter., andChris Pank from AREC will be sharing a story on the Great BostonFire of 1872. I am always looking for articles for this newsletterboth by younger, and “seasoned” members. Any younger memberinterested in helping Elliot with his column can contact him at:[emailprotected]. On a personal note, my interests have shifted from bigger trucksto WW2 era trailer pumpers. I currently have 4 of these pieces andam looking at writing about them in the near future. Any photos,articles, advertisem*nts, or brochures on these you would bewilling to share with me would be greatly appreciated……Bill

William Stroup- It is with deep regret that themembers of the Cradle of Liberty Antique FireApparatus Association announce the passing ofVice President William Stroup. All of ourcondolences are extended to Bill's family andfriends during this difficult time.

Bill Lawlor- Bill Lawlor has passed on Sept 15,2016. Bill served as a trustee and the Society'sparliamentarian for several years. He restored his1922 Brockway LaFrance fire truck which becamea grand national award vehicle of the AntiqueAutomobile Club of America.

Peter Frerk- Long time CNY SPAAMFAA member PeterFrerk passed away on August 9, 2016. Peter was also amember of the Fabius & Pompey Hill Fire Departments and amember of the Onondaga County Southern Section LineOfficers Association.

William Kehle- It is with great sadness that wemust report the passing of Bill Kehle, one of thecharter members of the PNW Chapter and long-time supporter of the fire service

2016 SPAAMFAABoard Members

President: William Dundas, Camarillo, CA Sr. Vice President: Ted Elder, Applecreek, OH Vice President: Thomas Herman, Chesterfield, VA Treasury Secretary: Leonard W. Williams, Sunnyvale, CA Executive Secretary: Peter West, Philomont, VA Membership Secretary: Candy Bennett, Adams Run, SC North Eastern Trustee: Andy Leider, Warwick, NY Central Eastern Trustee: Steve Heaver, Baltimore, MD South Eastern Trustee: Jim Derstine, Enola PA North Central Trustee: John Zangerle, Avon Lake, OH South Central Trustee: Justin Birchfield, Mooresville, IN Western Trustee: David Kromka, Camarillo, CA Immediate Past President: David Napier, Farmingdale, NJ Editor- Enjine! Enjine!: Scott Rollins, Mooresville, IN Editor- Silver Trumpet: Bill Blunden, Carthage, NY Webmaster: Candy Bennett, Adams Run, SC

Presidents Line

Winter is about to set in for all of us, even on the West Coastit’s getting cold. As the Holidays approach it’s time for Familygatherings and maybe a winter parade or two. It is now time to schedule for the Winter National conventiondown in Pelham, Alabama for February 22-25, 2017. We are toldthe weather will be warm and the beginning of spring likeconditions. Space is, limited so get those reservations in early soas not to miss any of the great events planned for our arrival.Now that the voting for the US elections is over, it is time forSPAAMFAA’S National elections. We have several positionsthat are open to be voted upon. Please take the time to get to knowthe candidates, their qualifications, what they propose to do, andwhat they stand for. Make your selection wisely and vote!Historically we only have a little over 1/3 of the membershipvoting in SPAAMFAA elections, let’s make this a banner year andget involved. I wish to thank the over 200 members who responded to therequest for the best way to invest our restricted funds. In an effortfor the Board of Trustees to be more transparent and open to themembership, I chose to get your recommendations for your moneyto assist in the decision making process. I have categorized therecommendations and will present them to the Board of Directorsat our National meeting for a final decision. We may need toestablish an Investment committee shortly, to be staffed by youthe members to assist in the decision making process since this isa big decision for our future. We are looking for persons in each region who wish to getinvolved and become assistant Trustees. These will be relativityeasy positions and will not require a large amount of time. Youwill find the opportunity very rewarding. Please contact VicePresident Tommy Herman for further information about thesepositions at: [emailprotected]. For those of you whohave already stepped up and volunteered your time, we havedistributed your names to the appropriate members of the boardto make contact with you. Soon you will receive your renewal notices for 2017 along withthe request for the much needed funds for the Archives project,general operating and endowment Funds. Any donations arecompletely tax deductible and will greatly enhance SPAAMFAA’soperations and special projects for all members’ benefits both nowand in the further. For the past two years, we have carefullywatched and used SPAAMFAA's funds frugally with greatthought. In an effort to be open and transparent to you themembers, we will continue to keep all members aware of thefinancial condition of SPAAMFAA, which is usually discussedonly at the Board meetings. In closing, from my family to yours, I wish to extend to you aHappy Holidays greeting and a Very Merry Christmas during thisjoyous season.Bill Dundas, President

From Your …SPAAMFAA National Board MembersMeeting Bid Schedule Information

Chapters bid on and host Summer Conferences & Musters and allAnnual Meetings & Conferences. The Board of Trustees approvesa bid (meeting location) at a Summer Conference & Muster orWinter Meeting and Conference: Locations and years not filledwill receive a new “Bids Due” date.

Year Winter C/M Summer C/M Bids Due

2016 Houston, Tx Warwick, NY Closed2017 Pelham AL Watertown, NY Closed2018 Open Open Open ___________________________________________________


Following up from the last article on safety in Silver TrumpetThird Quarter 2016, in which was asked how does your chapter “getthe word out”, meaning the safety rules – one chapter responded.They handed out a printed copy of their safety rules at their annualmeeting in which over 100 members attend. At the same time, theyhad each member sign an “acknowledgement form” stating that theyhad received the rules. In addition, they publish a quarterly newsletter and in a recentissue, published their entire safety rule package, which took up alittle over 4 full pages of their 12 page newsletter. At the end wasan acknowledgement form and all chapter members were requestedto sign and mail it in. In a court of law, this shows due diligence onthe part of the chapter and it’s leadership and in the event of a lawsuit against the chapter, would be looked at favorably by a judge ora jury. What are you doing to protect yourself and your chapter from apotentially damaging law suit? It only takes one event to ruin yourlife! Many of you will say that is what we have insurance for.Insurance will NOT protect you or your chapter in the event ofnegligence. Once in court, you may be sitting in front of a jury anda lawyer will try to prove negligence leading to damages. Yourlawyer must have the ammunition to prove that you were notnegligent. Words spoken do not serve this purpose, documentationdoes. What documents is your chapter archiving to show that duediligence was performed prior to the incident? Do you have theminutes from your safety committee meeting? Do you maintaincopies of the safety rules that you have distributed to all of yourmembers along with proof of distribution? Do you have photos ofyour safety officers wearing their safety vests and making roundschecking for safety infractions? Anything & everything that couldhelp prove your case should be archived for at least 5 years. A suitcan be filed anytime within the statue of limitations, which couldbe up to 3 years or more from the time of the event in question. Areyou prepared? A “POST EVENT REPORT FORM” is available on theSPAAMFAA web site. This was created as a means of protectingyou and your chapter from liability, however, it will only protectyou if it is used and archived. Your chapter leadership shoulddemand that it be used! This form is just 1 tool in your tool box, youshould have many.

NEAR MISSES We are constantly harping on wheel chocks, for good reason.Here is another tragedy that could have been prevented!A good friend, fellow chapter member and a long timeSPAAMFAA member came home from an event with his alloriginal and beautiful 1935 Mack pumper. He backed it up hisdriveway and into his garage exactly as he had been doing foryears. He then went inside to eat lunch. About 15 minutes later,there was a knock on his front door. A neighbor was there toinform him that his fire truck was across the street in the woods!He was shocked to look out and see his pride & joy across thestreet. It seemed that the Mack had rolled out of his garage, downthe steep driveway, crossed a busy street, luckily without beinghit by a passing vehicle, into the woods and hit a tree dead center.Yes, he forgot to place the chock at the rear wheel, and it wassitting right there on the garage floor. I only learned of this incident when he called to ask if I knewwhere he could obtain a replacement front end for the Mack. Sure,how many of those do you know about just lying aroundsomewhere!

NEAR MISS #2 At a chapter muster this past July, a non-secured deck gun thatwas being used on the concrete surface became air born. Thishappened when the operator lowered the angle of the gun to analmost horizontal position. It was reported that they had beenallowing children to raise and lower the gun all day. This happenedlater in the afternoon when most muster spectators were gone andno children were in the area. Luckily, no one was injured but thedeck gun did receive some damage. Where were the chapter safetyofficers who allowed an un-secured deck gun? Other deck gunsin use at the same muster seemed to be secured by ropes but uponclose examination, actually were not. The safety rules package will probably have revised rules fordeck gun operation following the February National meeting.Keep an eye out for these changes.


In the last article, we discussed “Name Recognition” and it’simportance to your chapter. In other words, the building of yourbrand. Your “brand” is your logo, your name, what you are knownby or what people refer to you as, what you stand for and yourreputation. Building your brand is a constant & ongoing endeavor.This article focuses on activity. How active is YOUR chapter?How often do you receive communications from your chapterleadership about upcoming activities? How often do you, as anindividual chapter member, scout out activities that wouldwelcome antique fire apparatus and report these opportunities toyour chapter leadership? There are many opportunities toparticipate throughout each member’s local area and throughoutthe chapter’s geographical territory. I can guarantee that if youare looking for opportunities, you can stay as busy with yourapparatus as you can stand. Each time an apparatus rolls, it isanother opportunity to be in front of the public (name recognition),speak with people in general (recruit new members) and buildyour brand! Do you always carry chapter (information sheets) &SPAAMFAA membership applications with you? If not, you arepart of the problem, not part of the solution. When we mention events with antique apparatus, what comesto your mind? The most likely answer is parades and musters. Isthat all you do? If so, shame on you! While parades and musters

are certainly part of what we do, if that is all you do with yourapparatus, you and all your chapter members are missing out onsome of the greatest opportunities and most gratifying events thatyou will ever attend. Have you ever cried at the sight of someoneenjoying your apparatus! What you say? Well I have. A few years back, we were requested to provide a fire truck todeliver Santa Clause to a Christmas party for the Virginia AutisticSociety. We responded with 6 fire trucks and presented them witha parade into the grounds with the last rig carrying Santa. Theywere ecstatic ! Following all the Santa activities, the childrenwanted to sit in the fire trucks. The owners of the rigs assistedthem and the smiles that we brought to those children that day puta tear in my eye. It was one of the most gratifying events we haveever done!


Stay on the look out for events in your communities. Read theevent listings in all of the local newspapers, any & all magazinespublished in or about your local area, visit the local chamber ofcommerce, visitor information centers, pick up the free newspapersand magazines distributed at your grocery store. Just last week Ireceived in the mail a monthly magazine published by our Electriccoop. Each issue features an event listing. In this 2 page listing, Ifound 15 events all over the state of Virginia, in which we couldparticipate! All it would take is a phone call to let the eventorganizer know we were coming. It has been my experience thatthe event organizers are usually excited to hear from us andwelcome us with open arms. Additionally, they invite us backevery year after that. These events included – An antique engineshow, Harvest Jubilee & Wine Festival, Wine & Oyster Festival,Virginia Peanut Festival, Fall Festival (6 Ea.) , Cruise In, AppleHarvest Festival, Heritage Days Festival, Car Show and a FireDepartment Pancake Breakfast. Many of these “Festivals” alreadyhave a car show planned as part of the event. Is your chapter a member of the local “Coalition of Car Clubs”?Attending these meetings provides a great opportunity to be “inthe loop” for antique vehicle event scheduling, watching pendinglegislation that affects the antique vehicle hobby, networking withother like minded people and Building your Brand!

REMEMBER, ACTIVITY BREEDS ACTIVITY !Get out, enjoy your vehicle, network and build your chapter’sbrand!

HELP NEEDED!The White Angel handtub (stolen from a storage container inAmesbury, MA), has been found in an Antique shop in NH!!!They have recovered most of the external parts but are still tryingto recover parts that were stolen from the Button Handtub . Ifanyone has info regarding the internal parts (valve housing,cylinders, pistons, etc…) please contact: [emailprotected] are basically in need of all the parts in the box. Anythingto help them would be greatly appreciated . Thank you very much!

Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting2016 SPAAMFAA Summer National Board Meeting

August 10 2016Middleton, NY

Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting

Members present - Bill Dundas, President * Ted Elder, Senior Vice President * Tommy Herman, Vice President * David Napier, Past President Pete West, Executive Secretary Scott Luedtke, Recording Secretary Candy Bennett, Membership Secretary Stan Socha, Treasurer Jim Derstine, Southeast Trustee * John Zangerle, North Central Trustee * Steve Heaver, Northeastern Trustee * Justin Birchfield, South Central Trustee * David Kromka, Western Trustee * Scott Rollins, Enjine-Enjine Editor Bill Davis, Convention Committee Scott Rollins, Enjine-Enjine Bill Blunden, Silver Trumpet ( * indicates voting member)Guests present - 10 members over the course of the meeting.

The meeting was opened by the president at 0840.-President Dundas described the status of transferring the treasury from Len Williams to Stan Socha. He records should be sorted outby August 31st.

A motion – To suspend the Gibson Rd Chapter until they renew their insurance. Passed.Oregon Chapter – They have changed their leadership and are in the process of re-invigorating their chapter.

Two new potential chapters are being followed by John Zangerle and David Kromka.

The organization is in need of persons with accounting or CPA background to assist the treasurer or to participate on the financecommittee.

Treasurer’s Report – As of July 31st the organization has $176,054.25 plus two (2) CDs of $30,977.15. Please see the FinanceCommittee report for further explanation.

Archive Report – The first portion of the on-line access to the indexes and some drawings should be available by the end of August.

Fund Drive – Circulated draft of a fund drive solicitation report. The fund drive has been approved and will be initiated ASAP.

The Robinson Award for this year will be awarded to Len Williams.

Spirit of SPAAMFAA Award – Recipient must be a national member One recipient may be awarded in each region per year The regional trustee will decide the winner in their region It is not required that the award be granted in any region Spirit awards to chapters will no longer be granted

A motion – To remove the requirement for all new chapters must have all members be national SPAAMFAAmembers also. Passed.

The board decided to establish a position of Volunteer Resource Officer to track and contact persons that wish to volunteer or assistthe organization. This person will also refer volunteers to committees in need of additional staff.

The board decided that National will not impose its muster judging rules on the chapter.

New Business:Steve Heaver – Archives budget proposed for 18 months anticipated at $7580.00. This includes hiring an assistant to work two (2)days per month at $15/hr and a work party scheduled for January 2017. Word needs to get out that SPAAMFAA owns the archivesand donations will stay in that ownership. Anyone that requests research of the SPAAMFAA archives will be billed at the currentAHTS rate. There was a discussion on what constitutes operations and what an endowment is. A discussion was held on the

purchasing of a large format scanner with AHTS in order to digitize large blueprints and drawings with the cost being divided betweenboth organizations. Pete West asked what was the level of confidence of getting our materials digitized and available to the members.Steve said if we hire a person we can move forward with priorities of the committee and further tweak those priorities as to what canget done first.

Candy Bennett questioned the hiring of a person and the organization becoming an employer. The person to be hired would be acontract employee only.

Pete West – Fundraising – Gave an overview of the fundraising campaign with an initial goal of $30,000 which was increased to$100,000. Met with Brian Shock, an attorney with prior fund raising experience, who is with Penn Pump Primers, setting up requestletter, ad, list of fire vehicle manufactures.

Steve Heaver said that it would be good to show prospective donors that the board members are donating also to the campaign.

Bill Davis – Conferences – said that there are only two (2) conferences scheduled for the future, Alabama and Watertown NY in 2017.There are no other chapters that have offered to host a meeting. There may be two in the future. He also mentioned that the last of theSPAAMFAA lanyards were sent to Middletown. In the muster manual they are to be provided. The president said that this is anoperating expense.

David Napier said that this year’s Robinson award is going to Len Williams. Bill Dundas will take the award to Len personally.

Bill Dundas said that the Spirit of SPAAMFAA award will be changed to allow each Trustee to give out 1 award per year to a memberfrom each region. To get an award the member must be a national member. A set of SOP/parameters will be developed.

A motion – To change the Spirit of SPAAMFAA award to be given by the Trustee of each region to a nationalmember.Offered by John Zangerle, seconded by David NapierYea – 8, Nay – 0. Motion passed.

A motion – To eliminate Chapter awards on request.Offered by John Zangerle, seconded by David KromkaYea – 5, Nay – 3. Motion passed.

Tommy Herman – By-laws – Rescind the need of new chapters to be all national members for 2 years. Have had groups not applybecause of rule. Received new applications and more coming at winter conference The Board voted on this as it is a Standing Rule.Passed.

David Napier asked about why the immediate past president does not have the right to vote as a member of the board. Followingdiscussion the decision was to follow Robert’s Rules of Order which states an ex-officio member does not vote.

Pete West brought up By-law #6 Expense Reporting and the form that will be used.

Pete West said that there is a need for a recruitment/resource person to coordinate volunteer assistance to the organization. Hecurrently has a list of people that wish to assist and will cull that list for someone to take on the position. There is also a need for moremembers to serve on committees. Some committees are full but others could use assistance.

There was discussion concerning the website calendar. The president asked that Candy, Bill and Anita get together and talk about howbest to do this.

Ted Elder wrote a procedure for the Robinson Award. Wording changes for the inclusion of national direction were discussed.Addition of eligibility and a list of past awardees on the form of nomination were included.

Bill Davis – Muster Manual – Finances – Hotel charges for rooms used as meeting rooms would be paid for by National.Bill Dundas said that information on how to negotiate with a hotel concerning a muster should be in the manual. The current mannerin which National pays for the hospitality room and service after the membership meeting should be changed to giving $400 to thehost group hospitality budget and move from the meeting room to the hospitality room on Friday night. After discussion on keepingthe Friday night hospitality the same it was determined to be a decision of the board.

Tommy Herman – Trustees – Each has a job description and is assigned a certain numbers of chapters. Some Trustees are not situatedgeographically to their chapters (i.e.- Jim Derstine having Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and living in Penn.).Person on ballot should be geographically located to the area represented. Ted Elder reminded that the Trustee represents the membersnot the chapters.

A motion – To have a Trustee come from a known geographical region. If no one is nominated for the position ofTrustee from the region the Trustee would come from the open region.Offered by Tommy Herman, seconded by Jim Derstine.Yea – 3, Nay – 4. Motion failed.

A motion – To reinstate the Chapter Presidents Advisory Council.Offered by Steve heaver, seconded by Ted Elder.Yea –8, Nay – 0. Motion passed.

The officers of the board will be working over the next few months on finalizing the budget.

A Motion – To accept budget as presented with any amendments from the officers.Offered by Steve Heaver, seconded by none known.Yea – 7, Nay – 1. Motion Passed.

Candy Bennett – Membership Secretary – suggested that the position be broken into 2 parts. One person would be the “face of” theposition and one for doing the bank end of database, checks, roster, and accounting. Cost of back end would be $1500 up to 3000members and negotiated after that.

A Motion – That the board should hire CB Services to administer the membership database. A back up of the recordsshall be produced and kept in an off-site location.Offered by John Zangerle, seconded by Jim Derstine.Yea – 8, Nay – 0. Motion passed.

For the good of the Society.

There were no general comments from the members in attendance.

The Board Meeting was closed, by motion of Pete West and Scott Luedtke at 1330 hours.

Respectively submitted,

Scott LuedtkeScott LuedtkeRecording Secretary

2016 SPAAMFAA Summer National ConferenceAugust 12, 2016Middletown, NY

Minutes of the Members Meeting

President Bill Dundas opened the meeting at 2028 hours with the Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence. He mentioned thatRay Pitts and Keith Franz were not doing well. He also welcomed the members to the meeting and thanked the hosts for their work inmaking the conference a success. He stated that over 400 had registered.The president of the host chapter spoke about the conference and acknowledged Andy and Avery Leider for the hard work.Senior VP Elder - Introduced the Officers and Trustees and acknowledged the Past Presidents in attendance – Steve Heaver,

Tim Elder, Ed Peterson, Herold Berthy, and David Napier.President Dundas - Spoke of the new award that may be given in each region, the Spirit of SPAAMFAA Award. The trustee in the

region may give the award once each year.Senior VP Elder - Gave an update on the publications. Enjine!-Enjine! and Silver Trumpet are both in need of articles and

pictures. Don’t worry about your writing style; the editors will help with the final product. The membership roster is coming with Enjine!-Enjine! for those that ordered it. Everyone can look at it on

the website.President Dundas - National has a budget and the accounts are in the black. This is an operating budget and does not include

endowments and investments.Executive Secretary West- Future Planning – A meeting was held in Houston for long range planning. Four (4) goals were identified

and a list of recommendations was established. Financing – A member of the Penn Pump Primers was recruited to assist in fund raising. This person,

among others things, will approach fire manufactures concerning donations. Volunteers – There are a number of committees that need people to head up or assist on those committees.

The board will be identifying a person to help in the recruitment of volunteer help. Committees will belisted in Silver Trumpet and on the website.

Vice-President Herman – Spoke of membership from the planning meeting in Houston. A survey to the chapter presidents on hownational can help and vice versa. A new membership incentive program has been put in place. The numberof new members that a chapter brings in each year can lower their national insurance dues. All chaptersneed to collect and destroy any OLD application forms as the program needs the assigned chapter numberon it (in the upper right corner) as well as the address and dues levels have changed. These changes havebeen on the website.

Safety – The safety packet is on the website in the member’s only area. He has been putting safety articlesin Silver Trumpet.

Senior VP Elder - Said that the judging rules are on the website and that they are being checked for being up-to-date. Sheetswith points and guidelines can be downloaded. Competition rules are available.

JD King - From the Alabama chapter gave a presentation about the Winter National Conference in Pelham, AlFebruary 22-25, 2017. Brochures were handed out and there is a very nice website about the conferencewith registration and ticket info.

Bill Blunden - Gave a presentation about the Summer National Conference in Watertown, NY August 2-5, 2017. Showedpictures and described the areas around Watertown where certain SPAAMFAA functions will occur.

Anthony Bono - Did a presentation on the archives and the set-up that is on-going.The floor was opened for members input. There open dates for both winter and summer conferences following Watertown.With no further business the meeting was closed at 2200.Respectfully submitted,Scott LuedtkeRecording Secretary

List of Chapters attending the Members meeting and number of members attending conference

Long Island Chapter 4 Chippewa Valley Chapter, Eau Claire, WI 2Southern Connecticut Chapter 6 Cradle of Liberty 1Pompier Rings Playpipe Indian 7 Gulf Coast Chapter 3Central Ohio 1 MVAFAA 4Great Lakes Chapter 9 Rhode Island Antique Fire Apparatus Society 18Pennsylvania Pump Primers 18 Central New York, Syracuse, NY 4Florida Antique Bucket Brigade 3 Virginia Chapter, ODHFS 12East Tennessee Fire Historical 2 Southern California Chapter 6Mid Jersey 5 Thousand Islands Hose Haulers 6 CAFAA 15 Palmetto Lowcountry Vintage Fire Apparatus Assn 8


As told on facebook by Erwin Dale Brown

ALFCO 1969-1982: I worked second shift in the sheet metaldept. while in high school as did many children of the employees.The famous product quality of American LaFrance trucks wasbased on the skills handed down from family member to familymember. If you offended one person at the plant you could endup with 12 other people in your face about it and then all thefriends of each family member....... you needed to be kind andfair to work there. The pump shop was full of church folk whodid Bible studies during lunch. The tool crib was run by guyswho made some of the best custom made hunting knives in theworld right there in the plant. After I got home from the Army Iwas immediately given my job back but my skills with metalwere shifted over to the Tractor Trailer Line to assemble what Ihad previously made in metal. I then learned to build and installthe trailer and cab wire harnesses and after that I was trained bythe old guys to build all the different "big truck" out riggersystems and all other fluid drive systems on ALFCO trucks."Henry Rohrer" could look at a drawing for 1/2 inch stainlesssteel hydraulic out rigger tubing and smooth it through his barehands to make all the bends without walking over to the veryexpensive machine the company bought to bend that stainlesstubing. I was trained by these amazing men who worked therebefore the days of electric and air powered drills. I still own the"Brace" that (Ariel line crew chief) Warren Michaels gave mealong with the tool box full of metal and wood files used to fitparts before air grinders were a part of the process. I grew up inmy families custom garment sewing business, so when HenryKaiser and Warren Henning decided to have a long neededupholstery shop they came for me. I am solely responsible forthe design and production of "THE FIRST PADDED DASH"which kept the driver and Chief safe from massive face injuriesduring radical stops. I am the designer of the complete custominteriors and sound proofing packages for all cabs made in Elmira.President Gerold Peters told me that the company was movingsouth two years before the move, so I left the company as hesuggested I should. ALFCO farmed out the manufacture of theinteriors to a local company that employed mentally disabledpeople at a few cents an hour and the quality of the product failedto impress. I was a member of the famous "ALFCO ELITETEAM" who worked on any vintage truck that was returned tothe factory in Elmira to be rebuilt for service or show. I builtmany super amazing custom "one-out" interior that went to thetruck shows but never got photos of them taken at the shows soif anyone has photos of trucks/interiors at the shows I would loveto see them. Has Don Tompson ever told you the story about why

the trucks started to look like modern rail road train engines? Thatwill be a story for a different day.

I was sitting out side the personnel office one afternoon eatinglunch and my skin was burning from the failed hydraulics test thatmorning that sprayed me just enough to piss me off. I was enjoyingthe spring time warmth that always sent us out side to eat becausethe buildings had no windows and there were no places for theemployees to eat inside and really who would stay in a building fullof truck exhaust to eat if the sun was shining? I was staring into thesun and I said "I'm going to college to be a teacher." An old lifer thatwas setting near said , "No, you will grow old and die here just likethe rest of us." I did go to college and I did retire from a college.When I said that I was going to go to college out loud it made mestrong and it made him weak. We called the older and bitter ones"lifers" to their faces when they tried to apply their reasons theystayed to our lives. We had all seen photos of clean and professionalfacilities used for the building of trucks in other places so we knewthat we would never be those lucky and well paid guys who workedin those nice places. None of the young guys wanted to stay andwork in this dump but it was the classic struggle for survival and withit came a prison mentality. We joked about being the prisoners thatwere allowed to go home at night. Because of what I did at ALFCOthat crossed Union boundaries and normal pay levels, what I got paidwas kept a secret for years. I lied to Earl Tittus once when he wasbugging me about it and gave him some insane figure and he ran offmumbling and of course started making union trouble with theincorrect information? Someone said, "You just couldn't leave Earlalone could you?" ."......ahhhh, not today Lance." (Lance Luther Dept91 final finish foreman).

This is my 8X10 I was given for designing the red covered wagon hose bedcovers (for this series of NYC pumpers), the interiors, jump cab heat insulationand pump panel sound proofing.

I made a huge number of these covers. They were supported byarched stanchions made of hand rail for strength and the guys whobent and welded that stainless tube hated my guts for this. The firemen used to hide up in the covers to hide from people throwing crapout their windows on them. The hand rail tubing arches were todeflect refrigerators and other furniture that was also being droppedon them. Yeah, New York City!

INTER-CHAPTER NEWSPPP of INDIANA Our season may be slowing down, but we still have manyevents in 2017 to look forward to, including the SPAAMFAANational Winter Conference and Muster, which will be herebefore we know it. As noted last month, The Alabama BucketBrigade will be hosting this event, in Pelham, Alabama. Thedates for the Winter National are February 22nd through the25th, and more information/online registration is available ontheir website: http:// I would suggestplanning ahead and booking rooms at the host hotel as soon aspossible as the rooms at the Holiday Inn under the conferencerate seem to be filling up quickly. This issue of The Playpipe includes pictures from the recentConner Prairie Festival of Machines as well as more picturesfrom the Annual Frankenmuth (Michigan) Muster. Due to thesheer number of apparatus in attendance in Frankenmuth, thenext couple newsletters will contain the remainder of the picturestaken throughout that weekend.

PALMETTO LOWCOUNTRY VFA ASSOC. During Fire Prevention Week many of the local departmentshost displays both in the firehouse and at area shopping centersand other locations. Fire personnel from around the Tri-Countybring an assortment of vehicles and equipment to show off tothe public, and each other, while spreading the fire preventionmessage. At the last chapter meeting it was discussed that we coulduse these displays as an opportunity to let the firefighters,career, volunteer, and retired along with any buffs, know aboutPalmetto Lowcountry and SPAAMFAA. Having contacted anumber of departments, four were selected that agreed to allowthe chapter to set-up a tent/booth and talk with the attendees.This is a great opportunity for us to let the fire servicecommunity know who we are.

PENNSYLVANIA PUMP PRIMERSFrom the Primer Times Newsletter Editor Denise Little comes acall to action regarding their annual muster from President KenGraham:

ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION As I have stated at several meetings along with other membersof the Pump Primers, “We Are At A Crossroads” as borrowedfrom a sage of our organization. He was referring to the steadyand faithful work of the main organizers of our muster in July.Reference was made to the “Use By” date on many of the productswe consume each and every day. After many years of organizing,directing, printing, mailing, reporting, setting up, and tearing downof our muster each year for the past 41 years, we are beyond ourexpiration date. We need some new product on the shelf. Youknow as consumers, every business should rotate their stock.Although our muster is the best in the land, we need youngerpeople to take leadership roles in the management aspects of themuster. I know they are out there but just did not step forwardbecause they thought the positions were covered. Not So. Dueto health issues with a few people and just plain old age, we needsome young lions to come forward. If we do not get help, 2017may be the last muster that we see. That would be a terrible shame.If you have any ideas, comments or suggestions, please call ormeet me Ken Graham, Cal Little, Don Deitz, Ed Peterson, or anyboard members to discuss your plan.PPP Roadtrip- On Sunday, September 18, we made our roadtrip to the famous Hershey Fire Department Headquarters inHershey, PA for a tour of the new facility and to receive a historylesson on Hershey and the Department. On board for thepresentation and tour was Patrick Rudisill, Historian and FirePolice Lieutenant. The presentation had extra meaning in thatPatrick follows family members in the service to the people ofHershey and have first hand knowledge of the Department history.He also is an avid fire photographer and we viewed early moviesof the fire brigade at the Hershey School and utilization of theirhose reel and students participation. Books and shirts wereavailable with the history of the department during our tour. Weviewed the training tower built into the firehouse, physical trainingroom, museum, and the famous 1922 Packard which formerlyserved the Hershey School. A great day for the Pump Primerswhich was arranged by Asst. Chief Rodney Sonderman of theHershey Fire Department. After our meeting in the conferenceroom we adjourned to a great meal at Fenicci’s of Hershey, Italianrestaurant at 102 W. Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, for our happyending. -Ken Graham

Firematic Collectors of Northern NevadaFrom the Silver State Monitor Newsletter:

SACRAMENTO FIELD TRIPBy Harry Wheeler and Susan Lund

On Friday, September 16th, a group of our members left Renofor three days of fun in Sacramento, CA. The “WagonMaster” was our own Mrs. Susan Lund. Susan had arrangedand scheduled a very exciting weekend. Those who made thetrip were Jon Wagner, Tom Rhu, Harry Wheeler and friendMs. Pat Hon, Susan and Richard Lund. Joining up at the fireswap meet on Sunday were Duane Warth, Rich Hodgson, andBernard Lund, and fire friends Craig and Jill Williams. The first evening, we enjoyed a dinner at the Old spaghettiHouse in Roseville, which has become part of the CitrusHeights weekend tradition. The fellowship and staff at therestaurant were just great. The folks we met were veryfriendly, and let us cut up, and just carry on. Early Saturday morning, we met for breakfast at the motel.We got our very own section; it was very busy, but we gotcoffee and breakfast. Then off we went to the CaliforniaAutomobile Museum. OH My! It was the “Star Trek’s” 50th,and we were greeted by characters in full costumes and spaceguns. The tour guides were just outstanding, and everyonespent time in their special era of vintage cars. There was onefire engine . . . a 1924 REO on loan from the Pioneer MutualHook & Ladder Society. Then, around noon, we were off to lunch at Carol’srestaurant, which offered delicious home-style fare. Againwe enjoyed great fellowship, and already we were talkingabout the visit at the Automobile Museum. At 2:00, we metup at the “Open House” at Sacramento, Fire Station #20 onRio Linda Blvd. Many visitors from the community werearriving. There was a table for Fire Prevention with goodiesto take, and information about the Sacramento FireDepartment. Accompanied with the displays, were members from theSacramento CERT (Citizens Emergency Response Team).Sacramento has over 2,500 members. The station wasmanned with 11 firefighters, one Heavy Rescue/HazMatEngine, a pumper, a supplies truck, and an ambulance. Therewas a tour of the station, and a tour of the equipment. Duringour visit, the Engine House received two alarms. This justadded to the excitement. But, to top it off, our group wasinvited to visit the Day Room. This was very special not onlyto see some history of the department and old pictures, but,also in interact with the quite personable firefighters. Thisespecially was enjoyed by the ladies; they seemed to like theyoung firefighters. That evening, we split into two groups. The Lunds, JonWagner, and Tom Rhu went to dinner at the excellentLucille’s Smokehouse BBQ in Rocklin. Others, Harry andPat, and Craig and Jill Williams, whom had joined us, went toMr. Mike McDowell’s home in Grass Valley for a Bar BQ,and visit his “fire station”. This was unbelievable. EarlySunday morning, we grabbed a cup of coffee, and off we wentto the Citrus Heights Fire Swap Meet. We arrived before7:00 am, and already venders were setting up. The activitywas intense, all kinds of fire stuff being traded and sold,including a 1953 Mack Class “B’ Pumper, in great condition. The Fire Museum was opened up. We were the first groupto tour the museum since they opened it. It is on the site ofthe fire station where the swap meet is held. The highlight for

Harry, being his first time at the swap meet, was not knowingthat most of the venders knew each other. A retired FireCaptain, Daniel L. Caldon, from the City of Hemet, CA. FireDepartment was there. This was Harry’s first partner in the FireService beginning in 1969. They had not seen each other forover 64 years; what a reunion.

After a great morning at the swap meet, we had lunch inRoseville at Chubby’s (another Citrus Heights weekend

tradition), and then headed home. The weekend wasunbelievable, with fellowship, and meeting new friends, and

having time with the Firematic members. And, yes, we keep upour tradition, Jon Wagner informed us. The best trading and

buying occurred between our own members. Thank you, Sueand Richard, you were great “Wagon Masters”, and we all hada great time. Hopefully even more Firematics members will

attend our Citrus Heights weekend next year!


1904 International Fire Engine Co. 3rd Size Tillered City-Service ladder truck

Assigned as Truck No. 1. This horse-drawn ladder truck ranout of the old Central Fire Station located on the SE corner ofCommercial Row and West St. In 1904, a training tower and a3rd bay were added to the station to accommodate this truck,and served Reno from 1904 to 1917, when the Reno FD wasfully motorized. It was replaced by a 1917 ALF Type 17-6 85’aerial ladder truck. Truck 1 was purchased in 1903 after a fireat the Truckee Livery Stables in Reno convinced the CityCouncil of the need for a new truck. During this fire the RenoFD did not have any ladders that would reach the roof. Thistruck was pulled by teams of 2 draft horses. It carried a 50 footextension ladder and many smaller ladders. We believe thistruck was manufactured in Chicago at the Fire EquipmentManufacturing Co. (FEMCO) plant while it was owned by theInternational Fire Engine Co. In 1904, the companies ownedby the I. F. E. Co (including the LaFrance F. E. Co. andFEMCO) merged with the American F. E. Co. to become theAmerican LaFrance Fire Engine Co.[Editor’s note: This rig is owned by Jon Wagner, and he is inthe process of restoring it.]

Thousand Islands Hose Haulers Plans for the 2017 Summer convention are progressing well.The host hotel will be the Hilton Garden Inn in Watertown NYwith the muster to be held in Historic Sackets Harbor NY onAugust 5th. For more information please go to the website forthe chapter: WWW.TI-HOSEHAULERS.ORG. There youwill find links for the Hilton Garden Inn and the adjoiningHoliday Inn Express. There will be plenty of family activities!We look forward to seeing everyone there this summer!

METRO KANSAS CITY CHAPTERHoseline History Editor Jim Murray reported the following.From the President: It recently came to our attention that anIndependence Fire Department Seagrave Ladder truck is inGlasgow, Montana (pictured below). A person shared this onour facebook page and they just wanted to let us know that thistruck existed and where it was. We, as an organization, are inthe very initial discussions about seeing if we can bring thistruck home. There is still a lot of information we need to findout and we are far from making any decisions. I will keep youinformed as this possibility continues to develop.

This 1952 ladder truck is the first ladder truck purchased by theIndependence Fire Department.

CHIPPEWA VALLEY CHAPTERFrom the Squeaky Wheel Newsletter comes another article byRyan Nelson regarding their support of the Red KnightsMotorcycle Club. To remember the fallen firefighters that werekilled on 9/11/2001, The Chippewa Valley SPAAMFAA Clubwas requested to bring fire trucks to the Red KnightsMotorcycle Club first annual Ride for the Red. The event washeld on September 11, 2016 in the Firehouse Subs parking lotin Eau Claire.. It was such an honor to be able to memorialize9/11, and fund raise for the Red Cross. We brought our 1981Sutphen ladder truck to the event. When we arrived toFirehouse Subs, we raised the ladder with the American flagraised high up top in the ladder bucket. It was a mesmerizingsight to see the American flag hoisted up high, rememberingthe tragic Tuesday morning 9/11/2001.

CALIFORNIA CHAPTERChris Cavette reported the following in their newsletter:LEN WILLIAMS RECEIVES NATIONAL SPAAMFAAAWARD- California Chapter of SPAAMFAA founder and long–time National SPAAMFAA member Len Williams of Sunnyvalewas named the William L. Robinson Memorial Award recipient for2016. This is the highest honor that can be bestowed by nationalSPAAMFAA and is awarded to those members who have devotedmany years of service to the organization. Len founded the California Chapter in 1969 and he was thePresident for several years. In about 1981-82 he was electedNational SPAAMFAA Treasurer and has served in that capacityuntil just recently when he decided to step down. Throughout theyears, Len has been an enthusiastic promoter, participant, andadvisor in the antique fire apparatus hobby. Congratulations toLen Williams for receiving this recognition of his service.

HUDSON FIRE APPARATUS- On the recent CaliforniaChapter tour of Lindsay and Porterville Fire Departments, welearned that Porterville once owned two Hudson fire apparatus.Those of you who are old drag racing fans may remember thatearly 1950’s Hudson Hornet automobiles were frequentcompetitors (and winners) in the stock drag racing class. What youmay not remember is that between 1933 and 1947, Hudson alsobuilt light trucks. According to a photo we saw in the downtown Porterville firestation, the department had a late 1930’s or early 1940’s Hudsonpumper and Hudson hosewagon. Descriptions of thedepartments’s apparatus in 1942, as provided by chapter memberGordon Oakley, indicated that the pumper had a 100 gpm pumpand 300 gallon tank, with 150’ of 1-1/2” hose, and 200’ of 3/4”hose. It was most likely used for grass, trash and small outbuildingfires within the city limits. Tulare County also kept a smallpumper in the Porterville station to handle fires in the surroundingrural areas.OTHER RARE FIRE APPARATUS CHASSIS- FireApparatus built on Hudson Chassis were rare but so were severalothers. Studebaker fire apparatus were pretty rare but a coupleended up in California. Schneer and Kleiber chassis rigs were builtin San Francisco. Moreland chassis were built in Burbank andfa*geol chassis in Oakland - - Both were used for fire apparatus.

HOW OLD IS OLD? How old does a vehicle have to be to be considered old? TheCalifornia DMV defines a historical vehicle as being 35 years oldor older. I try to use the same definition when I feature fireapparatus in the newsletter.

EDITORIAL- A DUTY OF CARE I believe that anyone who owns something old, rare andvaluable has a duty to take care of that thing. It may be a house, ora piece of art, or a car or fire engine, especially a fire engine. Old fire apparatus bring a sense of pride in the past. You rarelysee anyone smile when they see an old toaster, but kids and adultsalike, light up with smiles when they see an old fire engine. Letsall work to keep these great old vehicles around and in goodcondition. - Chris Cavette, newsletter editor….

The Tradition and History of theAmerican Fire Helmet

Written by Mick MayersFor the Palmetto Lowcountry Newsletter

After the first few times a warrior took a stick to the head,someone determined a protective covering was warranted. Itseemed logical that something should be developed to shieldour heads from harm. After all, our most vulnerable organ, thebrain, was right there and ripe for disaster. When firefightingbecame more readily organized in the American Colonialperiod, the first firefighting “stovepipe” helmet also appeared.It wasn’t until 1836, however, when a New York Cityfirefighter, Henry Gratacap, developed what is familiar to mostas the firefighting helmet. According to an article by my friend and colleague, ChiefPete Lamb, Gratacap’s helmet considered function first. Thehelmet was made of leather, which was tough and resistedbreakage and burning. The high dome deflected falling objects;the “front piece” advertised unit, rank and usually some otheridentifier or decoration and the “front holder” could be used tobreak windows. The long brim to the rear channeled water andburning embers off the helmet and to the rear where they couldfall harmlessly down and not into the collar of the coat. Thetraditional American firefighting helmet has changed little sincethose days and that shape has come to be a recognizable symbolof “the job”. Even the components of the helmet have their own stories.While the front piece is probably the most noticeable part of thehelmet, the front holder of the traditional helmet has aninteresting history. The front holder is the brass or metal crestfigure that holds the front piece on the helmet. The mostcommon figure used, the eagle, has long been associated withpride, courage and valor. An article in The New Yorker in 1930,explained that the eagle’s presence there actually came in oraround 1825, when an unidentified sculptor was commissionedto create a burial monument for a firefighter’s grave. His eagleinspired what is normally seen, but over the years, in additionto just a bit of fancy scrollwork, other objects have beenrepresented. Bulldogs, greyhounds, panthers, lions, snakes, fish,seahorses and even, yes, the beaver, which seems to be popularin Canada.

After World War II, fire helmets began to take on a moreconsistent shape, especially as they were mass produced. In 1979,a National Fire Protection Association committee issued the firststandard on firefighter helmets that included specifications onimpact resistance, penetration, resistance to electrical current andthe continued integrity of the helmet under heat and flameimpingement. While over the years, leather became less used,experiments with metals found them to be conductive, so plasticsbecame used more and more. If there is any one piece of equipment a firefighter values, it istheir helmet. Firefighters don’t take kindly to people just takingtheir helmet off the rack and putting it on; when a firefighter lets acivilian try on their helmet, it is really an act of kindness. An oldtradition from before the prevalence of radio communications isthat a firefighter’s helmet lying on the ground unattended is a signalof distress. As a last resort, not being able to get someone’sattention, the helmet was thrown out to get the attention of a brotherjake. The helmet is also customized somewhat for our personality.Some departments permit a sticker or two to be added to the lid forpersonal identification. The front piece may be a customized designthat shows off the pride the firefighter has for their company. Andif you still use a leather helmet, the brim canbe flexed to provide a characteristic tilt, much like cowboys dowhen they form their hats. Many of us use the inside of the helmet for our own special placeas well. Inside my own white leather fire chief’s helmet is a St.Florian medal blessed by Pope John Paul II, given to me by thedearly departed Chaplain of our State Firefighters’ Associationyears ago, as well as a picture of my daughters and a rosary. Afriend of mine had his children write loving notes to him on theinside of his brim.

To the average citizen, the fire helmet can be a status symbolor just something really interesting to wear. To those of us workingon the job, the helmet is a tradition that allows us to express ourrespect for those who have gone before, but is also a means to keepus from harm.

For up to date listings visit Please submit your events to Anita Ford [emailprotected]

????? February 2017 - Lutherville, MarylandFire Museum of Maryland Great Baltimore Firecoach Tour. Meet at the museum for a multimedia presentation and discussion, followed by a bus and walking tour of theBrunt District of Baltimore. Tour and discussion are led by Baltimore Historian Wayne Schaumburg and Curator Steve Heaver. Call for details

22 -25 February 2017 - Pelham, AlabamaThe Alabama Bucket Brigade SPAAMFAA Convention and Muster. You don't want to miss what promises to be an exciting and affordable convention, with a missionbased focus topics such as preservation, restoration, operation, fire service and fellowship. Excursions, muster, flea market, fire truck rodeo and more.Host hotel Holiday in Express, 205-987-8888 use code AFM. Early bird rate of $99 plus tax which includes free breakfast expires 1/22/17 RV parking with hook-upsavailable. For a complete schedule and tickets for excursions and banquet

29 April 2017 - Jackson, MichiganGreat Lakes Antique Fire Apparatus Assoc., Swap and Sell. 200 W. Ganson St.. Details forthcoming [emailprotected]

5 (Friday) May 2017 - Winchester, VirginiaMillbrook High School 9 am - noon Fire Truck Rodeo. Hundreds of fire engines, old and new. Watch as firefighters drive the huge machines backwards and forwardthrough tightly spaced cones to the tick of a stop watch. Held rain or shine. For registration 5:30 pm Firefighters Parade.

19 -21 May 2017 - Harrisburg, PennsylvaniaLancaster County Firemen's Assoc., Fire EXPO. Harrisburg Farm Show Complex

20 May 2017 - Hudson, New YorkThe Firemen's Assoc., of the State of NY Museum of Firefighting is revising the muster on the grounds of the FASNY Firemen's home. The first muster will coincidewith the 125th Anniversary Celebration at the FASNY Firemen's Home. We will also be partnering with the Hudson FD Inspection Day Parade on this special day. Thereare plans to add demos and games to the muster as well. We have secured a block of rooms at the Comfort Inn, in East Greenbush, call 518-479-3217 and mentionFASNY Museum of Firefighting to secure a discounted rate. Stay tuned for further details [emailprotected]

4 June 2017 - Cincinnati, OhioMiles Greenwood society 7th National Fire Heritage Muster. Gwen Mooney Funeral Home and Historic Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum, 4389 Spring GroveAve. 10 am - 4 pm. Vintage and contemporary fire apparatus displays. Firematic flea market and Fire Safe House demos. FREE admission and parking. For infocontact Paul Tieman [emailprotected]

9 July 2017 - Harrisburg, PennsylvaniaPennsylvania Pump Primers 42nd annual Fire Muster. Held rain or shine at Riverfront Park. Note: street parking is not free on weekends. There are kiosks on streetswhere you can pay on cell phone with PANGO app. For listings of parking lots and fees visit Please watch our web site for updatesand registration form.

28 - 29 July 2017 - Frankenmuth, MichiganGreat Lakes International AFAA Annual Fire Muster. Heritage Park, 601 Weiss St. Pumping, flea market, parade, bbq. Please visit us at for updates and further info. Or on Facebook

2 - 5 August 2017 - Sackets Harbor, New YorkSPAAMFAA Convention hosted by the Thousand Island Hose Haulers. Home base hotel will be in Watertown, TBD. Muster site at Madison Barracks Polo/ParadeGrounds on Lake Ontario. Host hotel Hilton Garden Inn, $139 w/breakfast, 315-788-1234 use code SPAAMFAA. Holiday Inn next door, $129, 315-779-1234also use code SPAAMFAA. For tours, events, registration etc., visit Contact is Bill Blunden [emailprotected]

6 August 2017 - Pennsauken, New JerseyCradle of Liberty Antique Fire Apparatus Assoc., Annual Muster and Firematic Flea Market. Cooper River Park, North Park Dr., and Airport Highway. Details

10 - 16 September 2017 - Tremont, PennsylvaniaSchuylkill County Firefighters Convention, hosted by Schuylkill Hose Co. #2.

THE BOSTON FIRE OF 1872By Chris Pank

In the following article I will describe many of the factorswhich made this one of the most (if not the most) destructiveCommercial district fire in United States History. I have drawnfrom many sources: contemporary books and periodicals, theinternet and several original sources from the late 1870’s and1880's. The article starts with the piece of sheet music entitledHOMELESS TONIGHT…..Chris Pank

Homeless Tonight was written by C.A. White one month after the GreatConflagration of Boston in November, 1872.

“Lone and weary thru the streets we wander, For we have noplace to lay our heads, Not a friend on earth is left to shelterus, For both our parents now are dead. Poor mother diedwhen we were both young. Yet father made for us a home,but now he’s killed by falling timbers in Boston and we areleft here all alone……Who will pity us, and who will give us shelter Thru this sadand lonely night?Little brother now is cold and hungry, and the tears roll downhis cheeks so white.For if our mother now was left us, then she would care for ustonight.But ah! The angels they have borne her unto a home where allis bright….Come, good angels, take us to that bright world, where ourparents now have gone to dwell, where the cruel flames willnever reach us, and the orphan has no woes to tell. For oh,our mother oft did tell us, when she was with us on earth, thatGod would wipe away all the sorrows that did not have in sintheir birth”…

The Great Fire of 1872 began at 7:20 PM November 9, 1872 ina 6 story Building in Boston’s Business district at the corner ofKingston and Summer Streets. The fire was finally contained bymidday on November 10th. More than 60 acres of the commercialdistrict had been destroyed. One thousand(1,000) people werehomeless and another twenty thousand (20,000) people lost theirjobs as the fire consumed over 776 buildings includingbusinesses, newspaper offices, warehouses, Shipping depots,churches, and many other manufacturing type buildings as well astenements. Boston has had many great fires throughout its history. Themonstrous fire of 1872 nearly destroyed Boston’s businessdistrict, ravaging the city from the Boston Common to thewaterfront. Over the years, historians have written many booksabout the causes of the fire. What is known is that the fire startedin a 6 story warehouse building. Witnesses outside the buildingtestified later that the fire was spotted in the basem*nt windows. The exact cause was never determined. However, fireinvestigators have surmised that it appears that a coal spark froma steam boiler that powered the elevator in the building “MAY”have ignited dry materials stored near the boiler. When flamesreached the wooden elevator shaft, they quickly rushed upthrough the floors crammed with flammable rolls of cloth,hosiery, gloves, laces, and hoop skirts and set the buildingswooden roof ablaze. From there the fire jumped from building tobuilding, rooftop to rooftop, engulfing entire blocks of buildingsthat were considered “FIRE-PROOF” by the standards in thosedays. There is always a “STORY BEHIND THE STORY” and thiswas especially true in this case. The Fire Chief of Boston wasJohn Damrell. In 1858 he was a volunteer firefighter in his NorthEnd neighborhood. His dedication and openness to innovationearned him an appointment as a Professional Fire Engineer. Hewas 30 years old. By 1866 Damrell had become Boston’s Chiefengineer and he had begun to implement a campaign to modernizefire safety in the city. It was he who lobbied successfully for thefirst fire boat in Boston. He was also successful in creating fireinspections throughout the city. From the beginning he was concerned by the narrow crookedstreets that pervaded downtown Boston. He insisted that the cityservices had not kept pace with the tremendous growth and overbuilding of the city. Like many cities of this era he was especiallyworried about the antiquated and corroded water pipes that couldnot produce the pressure necessary to fight a big fire in the city.The politicians, ever mindful of taxes and the concerns of thebusiness world at the expense of its citizens, rebuffed him as tooextravagant. Thus Boston continued to use an antiquated watersystem which also leaked like a sieve. In 1871 Chicago sufferedIts Great Fire. Chief Damrell was invited to meet with the firechiefs of Chicago and tour the ravished areas. He returned toBoston convinced that Boston’s days were numbered. One yearlater Chief Damrell’s fears became a reality.


Fire Flea MarketClassified ads are published as a service to our SPAAMFAA

members. Please mail your ads directly to:Bill BlundenPO Box 296

Carthage, NY 13619Or e-mail to: [emailprotected] When the item is sold,PLEASE advise the editor, so that it can be removed from thelistings.

***************************************FOR SALE

For sale: 2 Ahrens-Fox piston pumpers, both run & pump. One1928/29, the other 1931. 1938 Seagrave safety sedan pumper.1922 Ahrens-Fox high pressure hose wagon, aka 'boat tender'.,about 80% restored.; 1949 ALFseries 700 gpm pumper,1,000gpm.; 1940 Seagrave tractor drawn steel aerial, big V-12motor. For complete description s, asking prices. And pictures,email [emailprotected]

1954 FWD 750 GPM Pumper- Closed cab Waterous pump,engine repowered with a straight 6 Mack thermodyne dieselengine and drive train. Air brakes,5 speed manual transmission,electric booster reel,1000 gal. SS tank. Professionally restored.Runs good, everything works. Ex Midway-St Clair and N.Strabane fire Depts Pittsburgh area. $10.000.00 or best offer.Bob Galambas (724) 514-7526.

FOR SALE: Mack factory photos of early B series (30s). Foursets each consisting of 15 photos. $100 per set. Three Mackfactory photos each of 14 different models from pre AC to CF.42 photos, $300. Harvey Eckart, 220 E. 11th Street, Berwick,PA 18603. 570 759 2343 [emailprotected].

LARGE BRASS HEADLIGHTS: This is a pair of large brassheadlights stamped Gray & Davis. These are yoke mounted allbrass with a tapered shell, 12 1/2”outside diameter. These arenot drum type, reflector type, 6 volt. NEED RESTORATION.Missing one yoke mount, reflector and lens. $125.00 plusshipping. Photos upon request. Call Lee Capps @ 940-382-0804and leave message. No text or email.

1956 F-850 Ford: Selling my 1956 Ford Firetruck with 8cylinder engine, excellent tires and set up to carry kids in theback. In excellent shape and running great! Asking $ 6,000.001955 open cab American LaFrance: It has a diesel engine andis ready for full restoration, no rust. There also is a cap for thecab if desired. I would like $ 5,000.00 for this one. Call Wayneat 727-992-3305 [emailprotected]. New Port Richey, FL34656

1986 HAHN Triple Combination Pumper. Detroit 6V-92TAwith Jacobs Brake, Allison HT-740 A/T, Hale QSMG 1250 GPMPump, 750 GA Tank, 6" Gated Front suction, Elkhart 250 GPMFoam Educator, Polished Aluminum 22.5 Wheels, 6KW OnanDiesel Generator and (2) 500 Watt Scene Lights. Very LowMileage and in Excellent Condition. $13,500.00 OBOMike McDonald, Western Heavy Equip. Rentals. Post OfficeBox 3336 Escondido, CA., 92033-3336 Cell: 760-644-7541

Continental 16 R engine available in the Chicago area. It'scomplete, as far as I can tell, but it is not all together. The headwas taken off and machined but never put back on. Call for moreinformation. Cell will take a message if I can't take the call. Fr.Tom Franzman 773-551-0423 (4-16)

1917 Model TT wheels four wooden spoke rear wheels. Two are30X5” with brake drums, solid rubber, also four de-mountable frontrims (two have solid rubber, two split de-mountables $500.00 forall. 513-726-6913 Ohio1966 MAXIM- This is a Model S 500 gpm pumper. Powersteering, semi-open cab. Ex Hanson, MA. In very good condition,runs great and stored inside. Have the original Manf. Specs.Re-powered with a Detroit diesel, low hours. Includes two boosterlines, some hose, suction tubes, ladder and foam capability andmounted deck deluge unit. Has a great compliment of lights andsiren. Needs interior rear cabinet work. Asking $5,900 located inMilan, Michigan. Pictures available. Contact Frank X. [emailprotected] 734-429-2980 Ask for Frank. (3-16)

1927 REO SPEEDWAGON- Manufactured by Peter Pirsch as achemical truck. Some restoration has been done. Fits in a normalsize garage. Garage kept for over 50 years, not currently running.Truck is located in Northern New Jersey. Asking $6,900. ContactBill Egbert at 973-366-6835 [emailprotected]

1974 100’ American LaFrance ladder truck refurbished in1984 served P.B.F. No ground ladders, new batteries, PA30electronic siren. $6000.ALSO:1946 Ford Howe 500 GPM Pump, Over $10,000 in New itemsincluding: All 6 tires, Brake pads,Brake valves, Brake pistons,Cap and wires, Tune up, Radiator boil and flush, Oil and filterchange,6 volt system, Equipment ladder, hose reel, nozzles, bootrack, tailboard windshield. Asking $10,000 Contact: Gregory Barilleaux, Barilleaux Consulting LLC,Disabled Veteran Owned Company- 113 North Poydras Street,Breaux Bridge, Louisiana 70517 Email: [emailprotected]: 337-849-3876Collection of fire apparatus literatureDisposing of lifetime collection of fire apparatus literature. Over500 items involving 85 brands. Price list and inventory availableupon request. Harvey Eckart, 220 E. 11th Street, Berwick, PA18603 570 759 2343 [emailprotected].

1981 PIERCE Arrow that is surplus to our collection at present.The truck is presently owned by the Oregon Fire Museum. Wehave a BUNCH of trucks and no place to keep them, so we arealways on the move. The proceeds of the Pierce sale will go to ourbuilding fund. It is in excellent condition and was most recently atraining piece at a Community College. In the past year it has hadthe fuel system gone through and safety inspection all done by ashop that does lots of work on fire equipment. Everything worksand can be driven anywhere with no problem. Before the schoolgot it, they think the motor, a V8 Detroit was rebuilt. I can supplyphotos. We would like $8000.00. The best contact is our museumpresident Greg [emailprotected] (541) 554 0669, You can alsocontact Bill Hall at: [emailprotected] (503 253 1326

75’ Pitman Snorkel, 18,000 miles on vehicle Good/Excellenttires all around. Waterous 1000 GPM pump (winterized). Allalum. ladders in place. Snorkel Boom Certified in 2011.“Winco” generator mounted in compartment. All manuals andmaintenance records since put in service in 1976. All boomhoses replaced 2013. Front seats reupholstered. Stored inside.Drivable anywhere in the United States. $12,000Lee Mueller, 5005 Mattis Rd. St. Louis, MO 63128. (H) (314)849-9273 (W) (314) 843-4900 (C) (314) 574-2843

1967 ALF Model 900 100 Ft. Ladder. Fully restored. All 6new tires. Ladder works. Fine shape and beautiful. $19,000John McMullen MI 313580-2292

1935 Stutz on an Indiana chassis for sale. Hercules HXEengine, former Arnold, PA truck, been in few parades & carchows. 75% restored, needing some young TLC to finish, willfurnish pictures and more information. I have owned since 1982.ALSO: Several rolls of 2 ½ “ hose new & used, 2 hard suction. 1975 Mack/Pierce 75’ Snorkel CF Series Mack Diesel En-gine, Turbo Charged Allison Automatic Trans. CONTACT:Bill Buntin, 6691 S State Rd 67, Muncie, IN.

FOR SALE 1926 REO Speedwagon Fire Truck. This truckis a “sister” and configured the same as the restored one picturedon the rear cover of Enjine-Enjine 2013-3. It is a straight,original, unrestored complete truck except for the usualaccessories of ladders, hoses, etc. I do have new, un-mountedtires and tubes for same. The truck is located in Abilene, Texasand I am asking $8500.00. Photos are available if interested.Phone is 325-668-6678 and email is [emailprotected]. TimEyssen

1931 American LaFrance”200” master style. Ex. Carrollton,Ky. Restoration was started. New radiator, drive chains, somechrome done, some sandblasting of parts and sprayed with DPPrimer. Truck is mostly apart $20,000. Asking $15,000 or bestoffer. Also a 1953 Seagrave canopy cab. Ex White Hall, OH.Truck is intact - V12, twin hose reels, Q, etc. Needs restoration$2,300 or best offer. Dennis Moser - % Alloy Welding, Co. 2786Fishing Creek Road N., Wilkesboro, NC 28659 336-667-7783

1914 American LaFrance, Model 10, CombinationChemical/Hose truck. This vehicle is original, unrestoredcondition. It was the first piece of motorized fire apparatuspurchased by the Wildwood, New Jersey Fire Department.Currently located in Portland, Oregon. $75,000. James [emailprotected]

1898 WATEROUS “NEW CENTURY’ HAND DRAWN FIREENGINE machine is rebuilt, operational, in museum conditionwith lanterns, (repro) oil cans, new 3"suction hose and strainer,covered trailer included. asking 75K reply to [emailprotected] Jenkins

1958 American LaFrance, 900 Series “Invader” Pumper.SPECIFICATIONS & EQUIPMENT: 12 cylinder engine, 300gallon water tank, hose reel, ground ladders, pike pole, fireextinguisher, play pipe, two hand lanterns, two fire axes, twosections of hard suction with strainer, Federal Q Siren, custommade cover for open cab, two hose bed bench seats (great for

parades), original manuals and paperwork from Bardstown,Kentucky, including maintenance records. RESTORATION:New paint, hand painted striping and 24K gold-leaf lettering,many parts of the truck have been re-chromed, refinished woodin hose bed, seats reupholstered. SELLING PRICE: $13,000This truck has won several awards and competitions. It has beenlovingly restored and cared for since it was purchased from theBardstown, Kentucky Fire Department. It has always beenstored inside and undergone routine preventive maintenance andcare. It was recently featured in the main article and on the coverof the first issue of Vintage Fire Truck & Equipment Magazine.It is one of the nicest American LaFrance 900 series pumpersyou will find. CONTACT: Bob McClain, 937-855-2479,[emailprotected]

1973 Ford 1000 GPM pumper new Cat 250 hp diesel engine,New 4 speed Allison auto trans, 1000 GPM Hale pump, electprimer, National ME 535 Foam system, 6-2 1/2 inch foam outlet,1-2 1/2 inch deluge gun 1 booster reel with hose 500 gal watertank, 100 gal foam tank, 10/ 20 inch tires, air brakes, newbatteries, new body 2001 less than 5000 miles on re-power newengine and tans always garaged, very good condition Askingprice $9,500 845-825-2600 New York

1964 Mack C95F pumper, original owner New Castle DE.Thermodyne diesel 672, low miles, 500 gal. tank, 1,000GPM, 2 stage pump, power steering, air brakes, new woodladders, brass coupled hose, full compliment of tools, appliances.asking $12,000. Jim Briggs 352-394-8709,[emailprotected] (Florida)

1950 ALF 700 Series 750 GPM pumper. Originally owned bythe Stickney Hose Company 1 of Nantico*ke, PA. All originalopen cab specifications including motor and transmission,Sterling model 30 siren, roof and extension ladders, pike pole,axes, fire extinguishers, hard suctions, and rear tailboard levelbooster reel with hose. Original paint and gold leaf. Has beenstored indoors since purchase in 2005. Recent work includestune up, reupholster of bench and jump seats and brakes. Comeswith some 2.5 inch hose and soft suction. Asking $8,200 OBO.Contact John Cochran, Fire Chief, Russellville PA,

“Signal 99”: “The Fire Apparatus of the Syracuse FireDepartment” detailed photo history of this innovativedepartment by Deputy Chief David Reeves and Tom Shand, $28and $6 shipping. Send check to: SFD Historical, 312 State FairBlvd, Syracuse, New York 13204

1951 MACK L MODEL 65 ft. Ladder truck. Originally servedat Cape May, NJ. 7-7 engine—good brakes—good tires—goodhydraulics. LADDER — raises- rotates, extends 1 stabilizerworks— 1 does not work- rewired. All red lights and sirenwork—bell. Most chrome has been redone. EQUIPMENT- 6pike poles; 2- 8 lb FD axes; 8 lb sledge hammer. 2-8 lb flat headaxes ; 2 safety belts ; ladder pipe with SS and fog nozzle; jaytool; pick; 176 ft. of wooden ladders; 48" pry bar; 48" pry bar;1-Carpenter light; 1 flashing red light; 6 MSA helmets; drychemical extinguisher; 2 sets wheel chocks; ladder strap.Asking $35,000. The Plastered Fireman Wes Howe 49 NorthMyrtle St. Vineland, NJ 08360 856-696-0373 [emailprotected] 364-4680 (cell)

WANTEDWanted: My name is Peter Tropp from Fire Buffs of Illinois.I'm looking for a hydrant adapter. A 4 inch female with a 41/2inch male. Any questions please let me know contact:ptroppalf@gmail .com

Wanted: Buying all types of fire memorabilia. Buying full orpartial collections. Top dollar paid. Contact: Ryan TreDenick,Email: [emailprotected]. Phone: (610) 745-0280

Wanted: Philadelphia Fire Dept. Memorabilia. Looking forPhiladelphia Fire Dept. items. Top Dollar Paid. Contact RyanTreDenick [emailprotected] (610) 745-0280

Hi SPAAMFAA Members, my name is Elliot Paisner and I amJr. Member of SPAAMFAA. and collect department andcompany patches. Please call or email if you have anything thatI could add to my collection. Thank You, ElliotPhone: 470-272-3957 Email: [emailprotected]: 5523 Wylstream Way Norcross, Georgia 30093.

Hello, my name is Brad Dilgard from Loudonville, Ohio. I’mseeking information on a fire truck used here at the LoudonvilleFire Dept. The truck only had chemical tanks for fire suppression,unfortunately the tanks and gauges have been lost or destroyed,I’m not even sure what year this truck is. The only numbers I canfind were on the left front inside corner of frame rail: D 221526either IE or TE . The chassis seems to be a Dodge Brothers, butthe body does not look like the Dodge Brothers bodies I haveseen. Hopefully some one can shed some light on this truck, thankyou .The black and white picture is of the truck still in service (1950s),the other picture is of the truck recently after a mild restoration(2012). (4-16)

The Adams Center NY Fire Dept. Exempt Benevolent Assn. islooking for a 1931 Sanford engine, Model 211, Serial #F21R5276. The engine has a cast aluminum rocker cover, anupdraft carburetor, flywheel housing has 12 bolts. We havemanifolds, carburetor, generator, starter, bell housing. Mainly wejust need the engine, but will take entire truck if necessary. Webelieve that this unit was built in 1928 but was never registereduntil 1931. The truck is completely restored but the engine blewand did a lot of damage internally, so this is why we are lookingfor the engine. If anyone has this unit and wishes to sell, pleasecontact David Avery at 315-583-5471 or by e-mail [emailprotected] (4-16)

Hale transfer case for a 500 or 600 GPM pump vintage around1928. If you know of a discarded rig in a field somewhere thatmight do. Finder’s fee if successful. Pete West, 540-270-0200,[emailprotected].

Looking for a pair of Sanford 4” suction covers. I need two butwill take any I can get. Any condition, Contact Mike Prosser at:[emailprotected] or 315-591-8577

Wanted; 60 Degree 2-1/2' NH thread swivel elbow; unusual, butthey were made. Chromed brass short radius preferred. Akron#631 in pyrolite even. Andrew Harvey SPAAMFAA foundingmember 814-226-6956 PA Eves.

Want to buy. Part to replace cracked portion of Hale front mountpump on my 1972 Ford Towers Pumper gear drive. Part numberP75-253. Scott Barthelmass. [emailprotected] Waukesha 6RB engine. I need 2 ofthe 3 blocks, 2 pistons with push rods, a set of 12 valves and agasket kit. Rick 603-759-9005 or [emailprotected] 1920’s era Autolite generator John Gasper 860-205-1142

California Twin sonic (Model CTS) in good to excellentcondition. LA County Platter light in good to excellent condition.Mark Dsnielczyk (815) 363-6964

Ford Model T or Model A Fire Truck with a Prospect Pump.These trucks were more than likely originally sold by my Fatheror Grandfather. Tom Sutphen, 4500 Sutphen Ct. Hilliard, OH43026 614-554-9037 or [emailprotected]

Need a fuel cap for 1954 Seagrave aerial ladder. Could also befrom a 1963 Seagrave. Dick Colacino, 410 Sycamore Trail,Newark, NY 14513 315-573-4067 or [emailprotected]

Cairns and Brother Senator aluminum helmets. Any conditionwill do. Front or no front. Contact Bradford Paulson, 48 DwightAvenue, Clinton, NY 13323 315-853-5400 [emailprotected]

Advertising post cards, photos, and facts on ambulances andother emergency vehicles by Swab Wagon Co. of Elizabethville,PA for ongoing historical project. Other unwanted old andmodern ambulance brochures and photos may be of interestRich Litton 303 Colonial Ave., Moorestown NJ 08057856-235-6715 or 856-834-8125

PGH PA FD photos, books, reports, post cards, posters, etc.1870 - 1960 Ed Ross 412-708-7274

Marty Scott, retired federal firefighter and member of thePHVFD restored their original fire engine, a 1935 FordAmerican La France. PHVFD is now focusing on inspecting andservicing the Hale Model BBF cast iron rotary gear pump usedby American LaFrance. They are seeking a parts manual,operator’s manual and/or a service manual for Hale Rotary Gearpumps. Their attempts to contact someone at Hale have not beensuccessful thus far and they continue to reach out to that contact.Marty Scott, 58 Poplar Lane, Indian Head, MD 20640 CellPhone 301-399-9591 Email: [emailprotected]

Scott Flynn is looking for a 2 1/2 Double Male Dayton toNational Standard adapter if you have one or know of anyonewho might please either contact Scott [emailprotected] or Mike Lintz, Secretary MiamiValley Antique Fire Apparatus Association Greater DaytonChapter of SPAAMFAA


Membership Vote On By-Law Changes A by-law committee was formed to address several issues that needed correction, or were requested as a result of the Chapter Presidents meetings, and rules to ensure transparency. A survey was conducted querying all Board Members, the majority who responded, supported these amendments and their inputs were included. In an effort to be open and transparent, for the first time in over ten years we are submitting these changes to you for a vote, in the upcoming election of officers. Now you have a right and say in SPAAMFAA to give direction for our future.

1. Amend Article III It has been requested by the Southern Chapters in the Eastern region to be represented by a Trustee from within its territory and provide local interface, instead of having Trustees in the Northern area serving them as in the past numerous years and rarely if ever see due to the distance. They wish to be afforded equal rights as the rest of the regions served by Trustees. Chapters assigned to the new region will be decided by the board with input from the trustees as has been done during all previous years. (Will not affect currant trustees running or existing). Old version: 11. There shall be three Regions for the elected trustees. The Eastern Region shall have three (3) Trustees, the Central Region shall have two (2) Trustees, and the Western Region shall have one (1) Trustee. Amended Version:

11. There shall be four Regions for the elected trustees. The Eastern Region shall have two (2) Trustees, the Southeastern Region shall have one (1) Trustee, the Central Region shall have two (2) Trustees, and the Western Region shall have one (1) Trustee. Chapters assigned to the regions shall be determined by the Board. If no qualified candidate is found the board may assign a member for a one year period, until another national election will be conducted.

2. Amend Article VI Section 4 (b)

If the majority of the voting members of the Society in any election, enact, amend or change any By-law, the Board of Trustees is restricted from making any changes to that bylaw. Changes can only be made by a vote of the majority of the voting membership in an election, except to correct mistakes without changing the meaning of the By-law. This restores reasonable control back to the membership on important decisions. Old version: (b) The Board of Trustees shall have the power to make, alter or repeal from time to time, bylaws of the Corporation, except that the Board may not amend or repeal any by-law in which control thereof is vested exclusively in the members or voting rights. If any by-law regulating an impending election of Trustees is adopted, amend or repealed by the Board, there shall be set forth in the notice of the next meeting of the members for the selection of Trustees, the by-laws so made, amended or repealed, together with a consist statement of the changes made. Amended Version: (b) The Board of Trustees shall have the power to make, alter or repeal from time to time, bylaws of the Corporation, except that the Board may not amend or repeal any by-law in which control thereof is vested exclusively in the members or voting rights. Any specific by-law or standing rule enacted by the majority of the voting membership cannot be changed by the Board of Trustees, changes can only be made by a new national vote of the membership and shall be marked with a "R" for restricted. If any by-law regulating an impending election of Trustees is adopted, amended or repealed, it shall be voted by the General Membership, and that motion shall be published together with a concise statement of the changes made in the Silver Trumpet for inclusion in the next ballot for National election for the selection of Trustees.


3. Amend Article IV-Officers, Section 2

To correct and clarify wording, add Immediate Past President voting privileges (voted upon August 2002 bylaw change and authorized under Roberts Rules of Order sec 51. Clarifies if any member holds two positions he/she is only allowed to have one vote. Allow the Senior Vice President or Vice President to run for the office of President as requested by the Chapter President’s meetings. The current specific requirements for officer positions of President, Senior Vice President, and Vice President are too restrictive. It is recommended that we discontinue the current practice of "working through the chairs” to advance officers from position to position. The current rules require a nine-year commitment prior to being placed on the ballot for President. This change will reduce the commitment by 3-5 years. We need to shorten this to attract more qualified candidates. Old version: 2. The President, Senior Vice-President and Vice President shall be elected in addition to the regional trustees. The President, Senior Vice President, and Vice President shall have voting privileges on the Board of Trustees by virtue of their elected position. Other appointed officers are non-voting members of the Board of Trustees or Executive Board. Two or more offices may be held by the same person except the office of President and Executive Secretary. Amended version: 2. a. The President, Senior Vice President, Vice-President shall be elected in addition to the regional trustees. The President, Senior Vice President, and Vice Presidents, shall have voting privileges on the Board of Trustees by virtue of their elected position. b. The Immediate Past President by succession shall have voting privileges on the Board of Trustees. c. Other appointed officers/positions are non-voting members of the Board of Trustees or Executive Board. d. Two or more offices may be held by the same person except the office of President and Executive Secretary, however shall only have one vote on the Board of Trustees. e. The Senior Vice President or the Vice President can run for the office of President after serving one term in office. If a vacancy occurs in either position of Vice President a Trustee can run for that office. f. Any SPAAMFAA past or present Trustee may run for Senior Vice-President or Vice-President when a vacancy occurs.

4. Add Article IV-Officers, Section 2

Add the Executive Secretary to have voting privileges, since he has more knowledge of the daily operations and intricacies of the Society. g. The Executive Secretary shall have voting privileges on the Board of Trustees.


5. Amend Article III (3 (a) & IV Officers, section 3

To clarify and remove ambiguous language, remove the words "without cause", to prevent the removal of any officer/Trustee without any reasonable cause. Old version: 3 (a) Any and all members of the Board of Trustees may be removed with or without cause by vote of the members of the Corporation. The Board of Trustees may remove any Trustee thereof for cause only. Amended version: 3 (a) Any and all members of the Board of Trustees may be removed for cause by a vote of the members of the Corporation or by the Board of Trustees. This requires three fourths (3/4) of full board vote. Article IV, Section 3 Old version 3. Each officer shall hold office until the annual meeting of the Corporation and until his successor has been duly elected and qualified. The Board of Trustees may remove any officer with or without cause. New Version 3. Each officer shall hold office until the annual meeting of the Corporation and until his successor has been duly elected and qualified.

6. Add Article VI, section 9

Restricts the Board from voting additional compensation for itself, above the existing $300 travel expense without a vote of the membership. Currently the travel stipend rate for Trustees, Immediate Past President and appointed Secretaries is $300 per meeting, Officers are presently paid over twice this amount. Adoption will provide equal compensation for travel expenses to all board members and appointed secretaries not to exceed $300. (This language replaces the provision in the Standing Rules) 9. Stipends or other compensations: Only the Board of Trustees, Officers, Immediate Past President and appointed Secretaries shall be entitled to and compensated in an amount not to exceed $300.00 per person for travel or housing expense, to any national meeting or special meeting called by the President to conduct board business, and only where travel is necessary. All positions shall be paid equally, the amount can only be adjusted by a vote of the general membership, except the amount may be increased annually by no more than the Consumer Price Index for that year. The board shall not provide any other forms of compensation to itself or any other persons unless voted by majority of the National membership. If Travel allowances are requested for any committee member on SPAAMFAA business, the amount requires the signed authorization of the Committee Chair and the Officer responsible to that committee, the amount shall not exceed $300, or the committee’s allotted annual budget amount approved by the Board. This amount cannot be combined with any other amount to exceed the $300 allowance. The only exception, if the Board votes to hire a member to provide outside services to SPAAMFAA, these amounts are exempt and must be provided for under the budget.


7. Add Article VI Section 10

Requires that all meetings be electronically recorded for future reference by the Board (this has been done for the past 6 years). It prevents disputes about what was discussed after the fact. 10. Recording of Board and Special meetings: All board meetings and special meetings called by the President, required to electronically recorded and maintained for future review should any dispute come up after the meetings. Recordings shall be lodged with the Executive Secretary.

8. Add Article VI Section 11

As recommended by the Board and the Chapter Presidents meeting to eliminate absence or non-performance of Officers or Trustees 11. The Board shall automatically remove any Officer or Trustee who fails to attend two consecutive meetings or fails to conduct the duties of his or her position for a one-year period without good cause. This requires three fourths (3/4) of full board vote.

9. Add Article VI Section 12

As recommend by the Board of Trustees to allow for faster response using electronic communications for necessary actions between meetings 12. Voting may be accomplished by the Board of Trustees by electronic methods, conference calls, or e-mail to conduct necessary interim business for the Society. The Executive Secretary will keep minutes and records of all such actions to be made available to the membership. Questions to the membership to give the Board direction 1. Should the board consider merging Enjine! Enjine! and Silver Trumpet in the future, and then publish E-E six times per year? Both Editors will combine their efforts into one publication. Financial: unknown 2. Should the board be allowed to create another Vice President position to assist in handling the large amount of duties and committee oversights? Financial: unable to determine. 3. Should all new motions establishing new rules, require and published as to how all board members voted, as representing you the members? Financial: no effect 4. Should the Board be allowed to spend up to $15,000 per year to digitize the SPAAMFAA archives to prevent deterioration, not to exceed $45,000 in total? Funds to be taken from the Endowment fund (presently $114,000). This amount would be over the normal operating expenses for rent and materials for upkeep. Financial: will reduce the Endowment fund by up to $45,000 and interest gained on the used funds. Any amounts received from the fund drive donations will offset amounts to be removed from the endowment fund.


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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

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Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.